Our Story
We are a small batch coffee roaster located in Morgan City, LA. Our goal is to bring high quality, freshly roasted beans to the area and introduce people to what a better cup of coffee can be.
All of this began when I was in college and started drinking coffee on a regular basis. Instead of going to coffee shops everyday and spending a load of money on drinks, I decided to try to replicate what they do at home. I bought myself a French Press and someone gave me a Keurig. At first my goal was to copy the sugary drinks I was getting at chain coffee shops.
I quickly learned that the quality of your drink greatly depended on the quality of your coffee beans and quality of beans greatly depends on freshness of beans. I started searching for great coffee and discovered that there wasn’t anything local that would fill what I wanted. Grocery stores only stocked the chain coffee that you have no idea how fresh it is. My search then went online where I discovered a few small roasters who would ship for reasonable prices. I felt like I achieved my goal.
Now that I had good coffee beans, I wanted to try them in different preparation methods. I decided it was time to really start leaning the trade, I bought an espresso machine, an Aeropress, various cold brew makers, and a few other things. One thing that stayed constant through all these preparation methods was the fact that I needed fresh beans to achieve their full potential. This eventually led to me wanting to share the great coffee I was making at home with my friends and family. But why stop there? I wanted to share great, fresh coffee with my hometown. So, I decided to buy a coffee roaster and start sharing with everyone.
Cajun Coast Coffee was born.